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In the world of sailing, the name of Giovanni Soldini is synonymous with excellence. Originally from Milan, he started practising this sport from a very young age, collecting incredible results over the span of 25 years: among these, two solo world tours, six Québec-Saint Malo (one of which he won in the monohull category), six Ostar (two victories , 50 'and 40' class), three Transat Jacques Vabre (a victory in the 40 'class), more than 40 transoceanic crossings and an impressive list of records. A few days after setting his latest record, we joined him to celebrate yet another success.

Maserati Multi 70 - Channel Record © Rick Tomlinson

Giovanni Soldini, you started sailing at a young age. What is your earliest memory on the boat?

My first memories date back to when, as a child, I used to go to Lake Maggiore. There, at a junior club in the area, my love for sailing was born.

When did you realise you could aspire to professionalism?

Around the age of 17. I realised how much I enjoyed sailing and that I wanted to do it full time.

Among your enterprises there are more than 40 transoceanic crossings. What attracts you to the world of sailing and what do you feel when you are at sea?

Sailing is one of the most beautiful experiences one can live: I love the direct relationship with nature and the elements. This is what I like most and I hope to be able to continue for a long time.

You have 25 years of racing behind you, including two solo circumnavigations: the Around Alone, won in 1999 (which made history for the rescue of Isabelle Autissier), and the 1995 Boc Challenge, where you qualified second in the 50 feet class. What did those experiences teach you?

From those experiences I learned a lot and I still have vivid memories, intense emotions but, above all, the many friends with whom I was lucky enough to share them.

Your career is studded with records. The most recent is the one obtained a few days ago on the original Fastnet route, traveled in less than 24 hours. Congratulations! How do you prepare for each new challenge?

The preparation of the boat is essential, as well as the study of the weather and the choice of the best time to leave. Every little detail is important and should not be underestimated. Behind such a record, as you can imagine, there is a lot of work.

Video: the Fastnet record

Having achieved extraordinary results in both categories, do you prefer solo or team feats?

They are different experiences but both very beautiful. I would say that in a crew there is the sharing of adventures and emotions, which creates a strong bond between people. In solitary this special bond is created, however, with the boat, which becomes an inseparable companion.

In your opinion, what are the essential elements to make a winning team?

Undoubtedly the professional skills and competences. But team spirit and the understanding that you manage to create with the various team members also count.

What's the next goal?

We have just finished the record program and now we will move to the Mediterranean for a few months. The objectives, as always, are many, so keep following us and supporting us!

Cover: Giovanni Soldini © Ted Martin